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Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 10, 2012
Cougar Rescue
If only they could speak to us in a language that we understand. Then we might know the horrors they have survived and be more inclined to protect others from enduring their fate.
I'll share with you what I do know and hope that will inspire you to help these cougars and to do all you can to end the trade in exotic cats.
Back in the 90s, farmers Al and Kathy Abell, decided to start a breeding facility called Cougar Bluff Enterprises. They set up cages in their back yard in Elizabethtown, IL and filled them with a couple of cougars (Freddy & Sassy) a lion cub named Simba, some wolves and wolf hybrids. It was their plan to breed and sell and be surrounded by the kinds of wild animals they loved. The more they saw of what breeders and dealers were doing to animals, like the former owner who had beaten Sassy with a shovel, the more they realized that there was just no good reason to be breeding and selling exotics, so they never bred the big cats.
Having raised Simba the lion from a cub, they may have been complacent about the dangers of such interactions. Simba wasn't even full grown before killing Al Abel. On that tragic day, Feb. 12, 2004 Kathy Abel came home to find the lion on the front porch of their home, her dog dead in the yard and no sign of her husband.
Sheriff's deputies arrived on the scene as dark was closing in and the lion was on the edge of the 277,000 ac Shawnee National Forest. Kathy could not locate darts for her dart gun and the deputies were ordered to shoot Simba the lion rather than risk him killing someone in the park. It wasn't until after Simba, body riddled by bullets, lay dying that Kathy discovered her husband dead on the floor of Simba's cage. It had only taken one bite to the leg to cause him to bleed to death.
Fast forward six years and on Nov. 8, 2010 Chris Poole, of Big Cat Rescue came across a Facebook post saying that Kathy Abell had killed herself and left two cougars and an array of other domestic pets and farm animals with no one for miles around to care for them. We responded right away that we would come get the two cougars, Freddy and Sassy. It took a long 9 days to get the health certificate and import permit and to wait for Kathy's family to bury her before we would be allowed to arrive on the scene. Meanwhile, Robin Parks, Field Volunteer for the Mountain Lion Foundation had coordinated with Kathy's sister Kimberly Rapp and a local rehabber, Bev Shofstall to insure that the cats were being fed and cared for.
Big Cat Rescuers; President, Jamie Veronica Murdock, Operations Manager, Gale Ingham and Chris Poole hit the road on Nov. 17th driving straight through the night to Cave In Rock, IL which was the nearest lodge to the cougars. While en-route, Bev the rehabber emailed asking us to hurry as she wasn't sure Freddy, the 14 year old and very frail cougar, could make it another day. Rescuers made the trip in record time but arrived well after dark. They coordinated with Kimberly Rapp to pick up the cats at first light on the morning of the 18th.
This is where YOU come in.
These cats have witnessed things that no one should ever have to see. It is only through your help that we can make sure their last years are the best years of their lives. Your voice in letters to your lawmakers asking for a ban on the private possession of big cats, at CatLaws.com is what will stop the future breeding, trading and discarding of big cats that led to this sad situation. Your donations are what make it possible for us to commit to an emergency rescue like this.
To donate visit: /donate.htm
For PayPal send to
Time Line of a Mountain Lion Rescue
On Nov. 8, 2010 Big Cat Rescue videographer, Chris Poole came across this post on Facebook:
Mr. Robin Parks
Special Agent, NCIS (Ret)
Field Volunteer, Mountain Lion Foundation (MLF)
San Diego, California
This is a long shot, but....Late last night I received word that an acquaintance of mine (Kathy Abell) in southern Illinois apparently killed herself sometime last Thursday (11/4/2010). In addition to a number of pets and farm animals, she left behind two elderly cougars.I have known these cats for nearly 10 years. This is the weekend and I've been unable to contact any key player out there, but I did notify the USDA inspector from Indiana who occasionally monitors the cats. A family member told me that someone from the Illinois Dept of Natural Resources is trying to care for the cats, but I've not yet confirmed this. The sheriff's office that responded to the scene has been less than helpful as the matter of the care and disposition of the cats is not their concern. I'll be working the phones hot & heavy tomorrow morning.The USDA inspector has already suggested the cats may have to be put down, and I fully realize there just may not be any other solution. Both cats are fragile and stress easily, and one is terrified of men as he was beaten with a shovel by a man when he was a cub. I'm hoping that I will be given at least a few days to place these cats before someone makes a decision to shoot them.Do any of you know any accredited facility in Illinois or elsewhere in the Midwest that might be able to assume custody???Do any of you know any person in that area who might be able to lend some personal expertise as to the feeding and care of the animals. I'm sure the DNR person, will do her best, but won't have a clue. Any other ideas??For whatever good it will do, I may be headed out there in the next few days to see if I can help, even if it's only to ensure the cats are put down humanely. I may know more about the cats than any one else.
Nov. 8: I called Robin Parks and told him we could provide permanent care for the cougars and could come pick them up.
Robin said Bev Shofstall was going out to check on the cats and that she should be the main contact person for those coming in. Bev is a private citizen, not a DNR employee, who operates the Free Again Wildlife Rehab center in Carterville, Illinois. Shofstall has a cougar at her facility and has the basic skills and knowledge to keep the lid on this matter until some better solution can be reached.
Robin described the cats as:
1. Freddy, male, maybe 160 lbs, about 14 yrs old, declawed, the usual joint and arthritis stuff but not bad for his age, easily stressed by noise and strangers, easily managed by the threat of spraying him with a garden hose at one end while offering chicken at the other. He is probably already very stressed by what has happened.
2. Sassy, male, maybe 12, maybe 120 lbs, afraid of men as a result of a son-of-a-bitch beating him with a shovel handle when he was a cub, not bad with women, no real physical probs that I know of.
Nov. 9: Robin reported, "Freddy, the older cat, is not eating so well and is obviously grieved about Kathie not being there. He tends to lose weight kinda quickly when he does this, but usually bounces back ok." He went on to say, "Kathie's will passed nearly everything to a son, Neil Evans, by a earlier relationship, and that son (in Indiana or MI @ obit) has passed authority to Kimberly Rapp (sister) to handle all matters regarding property and animals and whatever. I once helped transfer Freddie from one enclosure to another. He didn't want to cooperate, but gave in when the garden hose came out. It was done without any tranq'ing. Sassy might be a bit more problematic, but my feeling is no darting will be needed with him either. Can't recall if I mentioned it earlier but...Freddie is declawed, but I think Sassy is still packin'. Both have plenty of teeth."
The address for the site in Hardin County where the animals are is listed as Rt 2, Elizabethtown, Illinois, near Cave-in-Rock. The site is very close to a tourist area known as "The Garden of the Gods" in Karbers Ridge, Illinois, and is also a mile from a very small camp ground area called "Camp Cadiz".
Nov. 9: Just so you know what we are up against when we try to rescue a big cat. The exploiters would rather the cats die or go to some backyard jail cell than see us make case after case for why the private possession of these cats should be banned. Robin said 6 people he didn't know called him with comments that characterized us as "the anti-Christ", "pagan sacrifices", "gold digging slut", and said "her facilities are pig sties", better the cats be dead than with her, she's only a "hoarder", she's only trying to advance her own personal agenda at the expense of the others trying to help, and worse. He also said he knew BS when he smelled it.
Nov. 10: Robin reports: "Bev Shofstall did visit the cats yesterday. Things are as good as can be expected, but Freddy is not eating, and it's taking a toll. He appears a bit weaker and all the stress has probably made worse whatever joint/bone/age problems he has. I have seen him go thru this before, so we shouldn't write him off just yet, but for SURE he'll need some TLC and handling with kid gloves. Bev brought some very fresh venison for him, but he showed no interest. She will visit the cats again tomorrow (Thursday, the day of the memorial service). Sassy, on the other hand, appears to be doing ok, still has a good appetite, and his usual cranky disposition. He just may not be a problem to transfer at all."
Nov. 1: Kathy G. Abell, age 56, died at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 5, 2010, at her residence and was cremated and memorialized today.
Nov. 12, 2010 Robin let me know that Ann Marie Houser took over from Elizabeth Taylor as the USDA agent involved. He said Bev had returned to visit the cats the day before and that "I talked with Bev Shofstall a few minutes ago. She was at the site yesterday, and Freddy seems to be doing a bit better. He's eaten some venison and other goodies and appears a bit more alive. He has issues, but it's likely he's mostly been reacting to the loss of his Kathie and all the strangers being around. Sassy, the other cat, seems to be doing fine."
I told Kimberly Rapp I would need her to fax me a health certificate for the cats so I could apply for a FL import permit.
Nov. 13: A vet came out to inspect the cats for transport and Kimberly faxed it to me. I filled out the FWC permit application, attached the health certificate and faxed to the Florida Wildlife Commission. Our "friend" at the FWC, Capt. John West has retired, so I was worried about how long the permit would take as they claim to be running two weeks behind on them.
Nov. 15: I called the FWC to see if they got my fax over the weekend and they had, but complained that Precious was on vacation and that Capt. Linda Harrison was overloaded with permit applications. I explained the dire situation again, as I had in the application, and asked that they give Freddy and Sassy priority. I then contacted Capt. Harrison and asked her to sort through the pile to find our application.
I asked Kimberly Rapp if she wanted us to pay for Great Dane carriers locally that she could put in the cages for the cats to get used to, but she said there was no way to get them through the gates.
Nov. 16: The FWC issued our import permit. I let Kimberly Rapp and Robin Parks know that we were awaiting Kimberly's directive on when we should arrive. We sat on pins and needle all day waiting for a response. Finally around 9pm Kimberly called and asked if we could be there the day after. She and Bev had gone to the cats and because the weather had been in the 20s and 30s. All the cats had for shelter was a dog-loo on a hard floor so she had wanted to put a rug in for Freddy, but he wouldn't have it, so she removed it. They had been working in the freezing rain and she had contacted us as soon as she got in.
I called Jamie and let her know that Kimberly was taking Thursday off to be there and wanted our crew to be there before noon. That meant our crew would have to leave first thing Wed. the morning of the 17th. Jamie contacted Chris and Gale and let them know to pack their bags and bring their lunch.
Nov. 17: By 7am the Big Cat Rescuers were on their way to Cave In Rock, IL. They took turns driving and sleeping and by 6pm they were in Nashville and getting sandwiches to eat on the road. One tire didn't look too good, but everything else was going fine and they hoped to be at the lodge by midnight.
Bev emailed me during the day asking when we would be coming. It seems that neither Kimberly, nor Robin told her we were already on the way. She said that she thought Freddy was much closer to death than previously thought. She was worried that he wouldn't make it another night.
During the course of the day I learned that Kathy Abell was not the first person to die at this facility. Robin confided, "I first met Kathie and her husband Al sometime in the late 90's when her place (a very small place, barely even a mom & pop operation) was called Cougar Bluff Enterprises. They had a wolf or two, some hybrids or two, a cougar or two, and (a bit later I think) one huge Barbary lion (just huge, every bit as big as a Siberian). I liked the cats, know how things were in Hardin County, and offered to work at their place doing anything they needed anytime I was back there (my parents live about 30 miles from there and I came back 2x/year). In all the years I knew them, no one before or since, has ever offered to volunteer for them.
Now...no doubt about it, at the time I first met them, their plan was to breed the wolves (not so much the cats, as I recall) and sell them. They pretty much saw this as a business.
However, also about the time I met them, they started going through a change of philosophy. Over a couple of years, they quickly learned how many neglected animals there are out there in that world, how badly they often get treated, and how so much of this terrible situation was fueled by the breeders. So....they dropped their plans and converted to the "non breeder" point of view. They never bred any animal.
Almost without exception, the cats they got were "throw away's" or badly neglected animals that came from breeders or other mom & pop places. Sassy was one of those, and had been badly abused by it's owner. The Barbary was also one of these. It's a long story, but some butthead somewhere got hold of the lion with he was very young, kept it in the garage for about 3 weeks until the cat got big enough to eat people, and then they basically told Al & Kathie they would kill the lion if they didn't take it from them. So, they did....and got just waaaay over their heads.
It was that lion, somewhere around 2003 (it was 2004) that ended up killing Al. It's a long story and there's some fine points that are still not known, but Al apparently went into the cage ALONE to do some cleaning, and apparently didn't secure the outer perimeter lock. The cat maybe knocked thru a inner perimeter lock, bit Al just one on the leg, then strolled out of the compound. Again, long story, but Al bled out before anybody got there several hours later. Hardin County cops came and killed the lion, who by that time was waiting at the porch for Kathie to get home. Sad.
So....that's kinda the story here. This thing did indeed start out as a "breeding" story, but they did totally convert their thinking many years before the sad recent events. In some respects, it's a redemption story."
These were the two news articles that ran about the death of Al Abell in 2004
Man killed by pet African lion
Associated Press 02/13/2004
ELIZABETHTOWN, Ill. (AP) -- A Hardin County man who kept exotic animals was apparently attacked and killed Thursday by a pet African lion, authorities said.
Al Abell was apparently changing the bedding of the lion's pen when he was attacked, Sheriff Carl Cox told The Paducah Sun.
According to Cox, Abell's wife returned to the couple's home near Elizabethtown in southeastern Illinois shortly before 6 p.m., saw the lion out of its pen and called the sheriff's office. Deputies killed the lion and then discovered Abell lying nearby, according to the newspaper.
Abell was taken to Hardin County Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 8:37 p.m., Coroner Roger Little said. An autopsy was scheduled for Friday, he said.
Cox said he visited the property about three years ago with state officials to make sure the Abells had the proper permits for the tigers, wolves and other exotic animals the couple kept on the property. He said he believed the lion that attacked Abell was a cub at the time of that visit.
Jeffrey Bonner, the president of the St. Louis Zoo, said Abell's death illustrates just how dangerous wild animals can be.
"Even after centuries of breeding, you still can't eradicate behavior that's natural for them," he said. "Lions hunt for their meat and kill it; it's what they do. To think that an owner of any big cat, even after several years, can really domesticate them is, of course, naive."
Error with lion led to farmer's death
By James Janega, Tribune staff reporter.
The two had raised Simba since he was a cub, and Al Abell must have felt comfortable around the almost full-grown male lion, Kathie Abell said.
Among the things the government oversees with animal exhibitors is how powerful animals like lions and other big cats are enclosed.
Big cats are expected to have two pens: A larger one with shelter in which to live and a smaller "shift pen" into which the animal can be moved while the larger enclosure is cleaned. The gate between the two must have a lock, and anyone who works around the animals must be trained in how to safely move the animals from one pen to the other. Typically, experts say, the maneuver is done by at least two people.
But on Feb. 12, 2004, Al Abell was alone when he moved the lion from its enclosure and into the shifting pen, and "did not lock [the] shift pen while cleaning shelter and surrounding area," the animal care inspection report noted later.
"He never cleaned any large-field enclosure by himself till this tragic event occurred," the report said.
Police reports, as well as interviews with Kathie Abell and southern Illinois law enforcement officials shortly after Al Abell died revealed the tense twilight standoff that day between nervous police officers and an agitated lion on the edge of Shawnee National Forest's 277,000 acres.
It took a half-hour for police officers to fly up the gravel road to the farm after Kathie Abell's call.
In that time, a frantic Kathie Abell had found a tranquilizer gun, but not the darts.
When Hardin County sheriff's deputies arrived, she knew her dog had been killed, but couldn't find her husband.
The Abells' menagerie of wildcats, lorded over by a limping 8-year-old cougar named Fr
Truyện Sex
Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 10, 2012
How To Make Your Dick Bigger Naturally How Women Enjoy Eroticism Through Sex Stories - Relationships - Sexuality
One thing that you've been told that's wrong is that pills pumps weights or other nefarious nonsense are the only ways to make your penis bigger. Nothing is further from the truth. These methods simply don't work to increase the size of your manhood. Don't believe me? Just look up any of the popular male enhancement forums online and you will see a good number of men berating these products after paying good money for them (and not seeing any results).
Actually most men don't realize it until it's much too late. 'What is this guy talking about?' you might ask I'm talking about the big companies that manufacturer gimmicky pills pumps and stretchers. These companies have been extremely clever about exploiting the social 'need' for bigger penises and have wasted no time cashing in on insecurity.
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There are numerous products in the market already all promising a lot of things that appeal to the wants of many consumers. What men particularly want to know is that if such products are safe and can really deliver what they are marketed for.
We're inundated with late-night penis pill infomercials and you're probably wondering if they work? They don't but I can tell you what will. Your hands.
As you know currently there are a wide range of products on the market that are suppose to help you increase penis size. The fact is that most of these products are not recommended by medical doctors because they are simply ineffective potentially dangerous and quite expensive. Very few men actually know that there is an alternative method that gets very little publicity compared to penis pills or pumps. and that method is of course penis male enlargement exercises.
Many men constantly have to deal with different things that have to do with their sex life. Whether it's about not being able to last for a few minutes more during a sexual romp or not having the satisfactory penis size there is always something that can easily put a man to shame or even cause him to lose his self esteem for good. If you're sick and tired of settling for just the average size and sexual encounter then read on to know more on how to grow your penis and have a much more satisfying sex life.
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Better Sex Stories What Is The Best Way To Get A Bigger Penis? Avoid The Rip Offs By Reading This Article - Relationships - Sexuality
If you were to ask a doctor how to get your penis huge the answer you would most probably get is to use a proper supplement that could increase the production of testosterone. Increase in the size of your penis seems to be a physical process but it isn't quite like that. That is the reason you cannot get your penis to grow bigger just through jelquing exercises and methods such as using the vacuum pumps. These methods only apply physical pressure. However if you were familiar with the anatomy of the penis you would see right through why these methods won't work.
Men always want to know methods to make their penis larger naturally. penis male enlargement solutions are now more easily available nowadays for guys seeking to increase the width and size of their penis. There are many ways to enlarge penis size naturally.
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Increasing your Penis Size can be easy if your willing to try a few different techniques out. You have to be willing to give a bit of time and effort to get the results for better sex. Why be nervous anytime you get into bed because you have a small Penis. End the shame.
Ever wondered what you can do to grow a bigger stronger penis? If you've been small for most of your life you're probably embarrassed or even feel insecure about your manhood . Take heart! Don't feel debilitated by your small size any longer. With the right penis male enlargement strategies you can improve your size significantly and add a tad of confidence and a swagger in your walk that will leave women astounded.
You want more of it she wants more of it the more the better! Well that's one of the rules in sex anyway: more bigger harder faster!
Truyện Sex
Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 10, 2012
Better Sex Stories How Can I Add 4' To My Small Penis Quickly? Caution! This Will Give You Explosive Gains! - Relationships - Sexuality
Penis size is an issue that affects every man whether for good or bad. Sadly it's rarely a positive effect and around 90% of men are dissatisfied with what they have. The truth is virtually all of us would like to be bigger. It's no wonder really if you have a small member it can make you question your masculinity and make you feel less of a man. So if you are not happy with what you see then maybe you should consider enlargement.
Do you wonder what it would be like to have a bigger penis? Are you wishing on a regular basis that you could get bigger and stronger erections? Does your sex life feel slightly lacking and you feel it because be due to the fact that you have a small penis? Are you looking for a way to increase the size of your penis but are so confused you don't know where to start!? Not to worry! Learn to find best penis male enlargement methods and you'll be adding inches within 7 days!
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Why is a bigger and harder penis important? A general idea as to the biological makeup of the vagina can give you the answer to this question. The nerve endings which are responsible in sending signals to the brain and making a woman aware of sexual sensation is concentrated more in the area near the clitoris. These nerve endings are also present in the threshold of the vagina but are fewer in number in the vaginal wall.
With so much trash on the penis male enlargement market it's hard to find something that will really add those extra inches that you are looking for. I assure you I have tried my fair share of ineffective methods and I am writing this article to save you some time and money with a method that really works. I added 4 inches to the size of my penis naturally and you could see the same gains. Read on to find out the secret to natural enlargement...
Nitric oxide is needed to increase blood flow into the penis and make it hard and if you don't secrete enough of it no erection is possible; this article is written from a male perspective but women also need nitric oxide let's look at what it does and how to increase levels naturally. sex drive performance and the strength of an erection rely on strong blood flow to and into the penis. The penis needs to fill with blood and for this to occur the blood vessels feeding it need to dilate and expand and this happens when nitric oxide is secreted.
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This article explains how you can use natural methods to grow a big penis quickly and safely. I went from 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around and my sex life and self-confidence are through the roof!
Using a time tested natural penis growth exercise plan can add permanent inches to your length and girth very quickly. One of the most common men's issue today is suffering from an internal lack of confidence with women because you feel the size of your penis is too small.
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Who wants to gain up to 4 inches to your penis? There are hundreds of male enhancement products now available with each promising to provide remarkable penis growth. Unfortunately most of those promises are empty! Thankfully there is one method of enlargement that is guaranteed to make your penis longer and thicker! This article will explain it all.
It is a simple truth that the majority of guys are not born with natural sexual skills no matter how much some men look like they do. These sexual skills need some effort to understand. Believe me: everybody has the potential to turn into a sex 'rock star' and satisfy any sexual partner they want in bed. There are some tricks out there that you can use to get women scream in delight due to the multiple climaxes you could give to your sex partner. Keep reading to unearth these secret climax techniques.
Let's face it a skinny penis just doesn't do much for a woman. She may tell you that it was good or is she just being polite? The reason may be because your penis just doesn't measure up. If you have this problem then I'm going to tell you how to turn your skinny penis into a love machine and be the best she's ever had.
Truyện Sex
Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 10, 2012
Better Sex Stories Create A Loving Relationship - Strategies To Make Him Fall In Love With You - Relationships - Sexuality
Sustained and ongoing penis male enlargement is possible as long as you keep your penis supplied with the right conditions for growth. Contrary to popular misconceptions this does not mean using ever greater combinations of weights to tug on the end of your penis stretching its tissues out. What it means is supplying your penis with biochemical nutrients that promote growth and making sure your penis can draw the maximum nutrition from these biochemicals. There are therefore two conditions you need to ensure and the best way to ensure both of them is by using a natural enhancement program.
Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.
This article explains how I increased my penis size from 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around without pills or surgery. You can easily duplicate my methods and duplicate my success!
Improving penis girth is as important as anything else for a man. It is through the girth of the penis that the wife or girlfriend reaches orgasm. Having sex is important for the couple and it should be so intense and not borderline lousy. Sure your wife is not complaining but you know that you can even be better with a fatter penis. How does one improve on the penis girth?
Do you ever feel dissatisfied or unhappy with your sex life and the size of your penis? If so then you are certainly not alone. Most men say that feel that their manhood is too small and that they ejaculate too quickly when it comes to sex. Wouldn't it be good if there was some way to get a larger penis and also help to intensify your orgasms in the bedroom? Well now there is and I am going to tell you how all of this can be achieved.
Did you know that it's possible to enlarge your penis at home using nothing but your hands and a few specially designed and highly secret NATURAL exercises that anybody with two hands can do?
Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!
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Have you finally decided that it is time to increase in size? Do you think that pills for penis male enlargement could be the answer to all your problems? This article will explain why pills are possibly your best option when looking to increase in size!
This article takes a peek at how penis male enhancement pills can make your sex life that much more exciting. Find out the juicy details inside...
Did you know you can stop premature early ejaculation with simple penile exercises designed to strength your penis muscle. You don't need to resort to surgery harmful drugs or any other costly procedures to deal with this embarrassing problem.
Truyện Sex
Sophia Girlfriend And The Therapist Sex Story - Relationships - Sexuality
She admitted that she was fantasizing about other men for some time although she had not with another man. She also admitted there was a guy at work that she had gone outside with a drink a few times. And one night they kissed, but she felt really guilty about.
That made me even more depressed, so Julie suggested that we go and see a therapist to restore our relationship and try to make things work. I was uncomfortable with that idea but suggested that we get our own therapist. I suggested that we have a few bottles of wine every night and pretend that one of us was the therapist and the other was the patient.
On our first session, Julie was patient and I was the sex therapist. I asked Julie what her sexual fantasy was that turned her on most, or at least that they are comfortable sharing. At first she was reluctant but after a few glasses of her favorite wine, she began to spill.
Sophia Fat black girl story "I have a fantasy about that picked up in a posh hotel lobby by a total stranger who said that only a few simple words for me. He takes me back to his suite on the top floor and fucks me without mercy more than 2 hours without saying a word. When he finishes with me, he lets me sleep in his bed and he leaves me there with the keys. I take a nap and then leave. "she said.
Well, I thought feasible.
So a few days later I rented a posh hotel room downtown and bought some tacky outfits for Julie to wear. I returned home and put the outfits on the bed with a note that I would not be home tonight, but I wanted them to go out and have a good time without me. And I had even bought her something nice to wear.
I arrived at the hotel and in a tuxedo and went to the lobby bar and bought a few drinks and waited for Julie to arrive.
I saw Julie walking the bar wearing a see through dress I bought her an extremely low cut blouse and. All the boys stopped to look at her and I turned away so they do not see.
After about 5 minutes, a man approached her and asked to buy her a drink. She said yes and they talked a few minutes and then Julie went to the bathroom. I got up and walked to the boy and said she was my wife and leave her alone. He apologized and said he did not know and then got up and left. I returned to my seat to spy Julie more.
Another man, about half of my age, my friend got shot. They laughed and talked for about 30 minutes and then Julie said something to him walking away. Then another man, a very large and handsome man approached Julie and bought her a vodka tonic. Julie stared at the man and felt that she had the hots for him.
The man asked Julie to dance and I looked and danced slowly and slowly felt each other's bodies. When another man asked to cut and Julie began to dance with more men. She was the life of the party.
Enough was enough and I got up and asked to cut in. Julie looked shocked to see me, but I introduced myself as an alias. I took her in my arms and slowly cut from her body. I could smell the cheap perfume of the previous men in her. It made me even more to think about.
I said: "I have a suite upstairs and a bottle of champagne for you. Come now dear princess and do not say a word."
She nodded and smiled and I took her hand and led her to the elevator. Once inside, I had my tongue down her mouth and hit her against the corner of the elevator. I reached under her see through dress and felt her soaked thong. She was a very exciting night and now I reap the benefits. By doing only half the job.
I took her to my hotel suite and opened the door. She went to the window and said "beautiful view".
"Shh" I said. "No talking '
I opened a bottle of champagne and the lights dimmed and grabbed her before she could take a sip. I moved my tongue around her throat and pulled her dress off, destroying in the process.
I pulled my finger into her warm and wet cunt and her juices flowed down my wrist. I raised my hand and made her suck on my finger as I watched.
Then I pushed her down on her knees and made her grab my big cock and stare at it. I held her head just staring at one minute and then they may begin to suck.
I lifted her and threw her face first down on the bed. I tore her panties and spread her legs wide apart. I put a hand on her head to force it into the pillow and the other on her ass.
I wasted no time and slide my dick as far as it would go. Deeper and deeper until she groaned and moaned and tried to break. I held her down and began to fuck her, and driving deeper and deeper into.
Julie began to cry in a way I had never heard before. She was in pain, but was too orgasms.
I fucked her with all my weight. Let my ass my shaft as deep as she could to take her back.
I quickly got up and turned on the Jacuzzi. Then walked back and grabbed her in my arms and carried her into the tub. I put her in and then got inside, sitting on my lap as I caressed her breasts making her nipples hard again.
This has given me hard again and I lifted her and put her on my cock into the warm sparkling waters. They bounce on my cock until we both came again.
Then I dried her off, carried her to the bed and tucked her in. I made her suck my cock one last time before she fell asleep. Then I left the key on the table and got in my car and drove home.
The next night I met Julie for dinner at our favorite restaurant and asked her what she had done the night before.
"I met my therapist and we had a great session." She said.
Truyện Sex
Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 10, 2012
Tips For A Bigger Dick Christian Sex Stories - Couples Who Have Discovered The Joys Of Christian Sex - Relationships - Sexuality
With all the advertisements of penis male enlargement products you are constantly reminded what a small man you are. You are probably tempted to those products right? Before you jump on the bandwagon let me burst the bubbles: most of the penis male enlargement products will not work ever!
Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long.
Why is it that we take all of our growth for granted when we are in our teens yet when we get just a little bit older we start to realise that we didn't appreciate what we had until we lost it! Penis growth is just like that.
These days most guys are now realizing that it is very necessary for them to make sure that their women are also having a good time during sex. Women tend to remain faithful loyal and devoted to guys that satisfy them sexually. If you doubt this all you need to do is listen to any group of ladies chatting about sex and their lovers' sexual skills and you would be able to discern how the women with studs as lovers talk about them with respect and admiration.
penis male enlargement is something that many adult males are after. As a matter of fact it is perfectly normal in this day for a man to want a huge penis. Our high society has made men believe this way over the bar it has set in terms of great penis size. A small penis has always been undesirable but even having an common sized penis is 'not ok' today.
Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence.
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Are you happy with the size of your manhood? If not wouldn't you like to know how to change it? Discover how to make it happen.
Sex is an integral part of life. In some cultures this is not talked about as openly as in the others. However penis male enhancement has come up as a bigger concern than it could have been ever anticipated.
There are many options for men who want to increase their penis size. In fact many products and devices have since been introduced to men with erection and ejaculation problems as well as pressing problems over their small 'gift'. Still we yet have to hear of a completely successful and long-running effectiveness of pills or gadgets.
Truyện Sex
Sex Stories: Teachers, Disease, and Mutilation - News - Current Affairs
Nothing juices public attention more than sex stories of one sort or another. Here are three unrelated sex tales which appeared in the news recently, one involving oversexed teachers, one involving sexual disease, one involving sexual mutilation.
What else could you ask for?
Teachers Are At It Again: It's become almost commonplace to read of American teachers having affairs with American students as if it's almost a mandated extracurricular activity.
(Do see Part One in a series, "Teachers Gone Wild," /blog1/?p=370, "Teachers Gone Wild V" et al. Having served in the education trenches, I know whereof I speak.)
Said sexual activity, once largely confined to male teachers hitting on gullible and vulnerable female students, has in the last two decades become the shared province of female teachers. It seems that, fueled by their bubbling lust and our hypersexed society, they also want in on the action and to hell with the consequences.
We've all heard of certain infamous "ladies" of the classroom daytime who have made the papers by providing extra help to students above and beyond school district mandates.
There was the absolutely gorgeous Debra LaFave of Florida. Debs seduced and bedded a 14 year old boy when she was 23. She was considered too pretty to serve time in a jail "hell hole" so was punished for her indiscretions with home confinement. Sort of like school detention without homework assignments.
Then there was New Hampshire's own Pamela Smart who belied her surname by seducing a 15 year old boy and assigned him to kill her hubby. Apparently unaware of a thing called divorce court, she's serving a life sentence.
Finally, there was Seattle's queen of lecherous ladies, Mary Kay Schmitz Letourneau Fualauu.
Mary Kay-no relation to the cosmetics people- had 4 kids with her spouse then went on to set all kinds of nasty records in the female teacher pedophiliac history book.
She first spied her prey in 2nd grade, landed him when he was 12, got a suspended sentence, violated her parole, bore him 2 kids, and served more time. She finally made an honest man of Vili Fualauu by marrying him after her husband divorced her for some reason.
Now there's a new contender for the teacher-lecher throne, Michelle Simonson of Michigan. She, however, has a long way to go to catch up with the leaders of the cougar pack.
Michelle got caught up in the teen sexting craze even though she was 28. She allegedly sexted some 50 sexually suggestive messages to a 14 year old special ed student, including one of herself topless. She's been charged with sexual abuse.
The report on Michelle, written by a woman, offers a slew of reasons for female predation: /1aFazZ. (Pictures of 14 "women in trouble" can be viewed on that website.)
Usually, males apprehended in similar situations have been dispatched to prison with little concern for what made them do it.
It's nice to see that Women's Liberation has evened the playing field for women, so to speak.
STD's, the Red Badge of Manhood: A Swedish study has concluded that, "Young men who contract sexually transmitted diseases often view their afflictions as an affirmation of their manhood."
That's an odd determination in Sweden where sexual activity is easily Swedes'-and most Nordics' as well as Dutch-favorite indoor sport.
Some young Swedes who contract STD's feel they've been "unlucky" in love, others learn from the experience, "But members of a third group-consisting entirely of young men-succeed in transforming their diseases into a sign of their manhood."
It's hard to imagine young women delighting in "a sign of their manhood."
It's equally difficult to imagine young men or young women taking any satisfaction or joy in contracting chlamydia, genital warts, genital herpes, gonorrhea, HPV, syphilis, or any of the more exotic sexual diseases.
Boys will be boys, however, and girls are increasingly like boys in that they, too, wanna have fun.
The Swedish researcher, Kina Hammerlund, asked, "Whatever happened to making out? Whatever happened to heavy petting?" She also discovered that, "Sex is no longer a big deal for young people. It's something girls use to get boyfriends, while guys want to gain experience."
I would ask, Where have you been living for the last 20 years, Ms. Hammerlund? It took a study to understand that fact of modern life?
Hammerlund "is disappointed in the results of the study," not because of discovering that today's teens are very sexually active and don't give a damn what develops from it. She is disappointed that her results "indicate a lack of progress when it comes to overcoming gender stereotypes:" /7NGkK.
Wake up and smell the frskl, lady!
Government Sexual Mutilation: Our Jewish brethren view male circumcision as a religious rite, borne of health and hygienic considerations, much like the consumption of pork products. The very painful procedure is also universal in the Muslim world and common in United States.
In our contemporary culture, slicing off the foreskin of the penis is considered by many to be a barbaric, unnecessary ritual constituting child abuse and non-consensual mutilation when performed on defenseless babies.
The World Health Organization, WHO, an arm of the United Nations, contends male circumcision is a beneficial practice to help ward off HIV infections. The equally-liberal AMA feels more education is needed for parents before they consent to the procedure being performed on their children.
Personally, I'm ambivalent on the issue although skeptical about any recommendations from any U.N. body most of which focus on benefits for the Third World with little if any regard for American interests.
When America's Center for Disease Control, CDC, gets into the act, I have even more cause for skepticism: /pdT9V.
HIV infections are hardly epidemic in the United States even if they are in Africa. To use conditions in Africa as an excuse for universal circumcision in our country reflects either an Afro-centric viewpoint mindlessly extended to America or the sentiments of male-hating feminists who would senselessly wreak their vengeance on babies.
In a way, the 3 sub-topics of this essay may seem disjointed. In another way, they're very interrelated in this syllogism: Too many of America's teachers are falling or laying down on the job; sexually-transmitted diseases are rampant and WHO and the CDC want to mutilate penises; ergo, support Obama!
Who could better deal with teacher aberrations than a former teacher?
Who would be better qualified to deal with STD's than a guy with 2 daughters who soon will be entering the dating scene?
Who could best address mutilation than a president intent on mutilating America's health care system?
Truyện Sex
Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 10, 2012
Erotic Sex Stories (Sex Verhalen): sure to arouse you - Business - Product Reviews
Do you love reading and reading something that brings you pleasure? Do you feel like enjoying what you cannot actually do? Here is a solution to it in the form of Seks Stories (Seks Verhalen) which will drive you crazy. Once you start reading them, you cannot leave them in between as they are so fascinating and captivating and by the end you can definitely find immense pleasure. There are many things which you cannot do actually due to the many restrictions, society has but you can always get fulfilled with your wild and secret fantasies this way.Moreover, with the help of these Seksverhalen (Seksverhalen), you can keep your desires private a simultaneously get them accomplished which relates to 'nothing can be better'. Adding to this, you can also have your partner sit and read them with you. This will make the environment hotter and will turn you on to the maximum. Sexverhalen (Sexverhalen) is a very good option to do, if you want to stimulate in your partner the same desire as you have in you. The sex stories are very special in their way as the people behind them know very well, the way you people will love it.The description provided in these stories is very slow and the description includes the minutest details making them more interesting. sex Stories (Sex Verhalen) are edited in a way that you find them exciting you and your partner as well in an irresistible manner. This is a very good option if you feel like undergoing an intercourse and even some wilder and wicked things and positions that you have only imagined in your wild dreams. With the help of these stories you can have them done to you in the fashion and manner you love.Once you start reading them, you cannot leave them in between as they are so fascinating and captivating and by the end you can definitely find immense pleasure. There are many things which you cannot do actually due to the many restrictions, society has but you can always get fulfilled with your wild and secret fantasies this way.Moreover, with the help of these Seksverhalen (Seksverhalen), you can keep your desires private a simultaneously get them accomplished which relates to 'nothing can be better'. Adding to this, you can also have your partner sit and read them with you. This will make the environment hotter and will turn you on to the maximum. Sexverhalen (Sexverhalen) is a very good option to do, if you want to stimulate in your partner the same desire as you have in you.
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Truyện Sex
Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 10, 2012
Watch Tangled Movie (2010) Online Free - Entertainment - Movies
Walt Disney Pictures presents "Tangled," one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wantedand most charmingbandit Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. In theaters this holiday season in Disney Digital 3D, "Tangled" is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hairlots of hair.
Based on the fairy tale story of Jacob Grimm, the Tangled movie story follows the adventures of the two main characters, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. The original story follows a more conservative story line of a childless couple that had to relinquish their child to an enchantress on account of some wrong incurred.
The enchantress then takes this child on her twelfth birthday and locks her in a high tower with neither door nor stairwell. But hold on, this lovely (and somewhat pithy) story does not seem consistent with Disney's new Tangled movie story!
The character of Rapunzel in this Disney remake of that timeless classic is more of a Charlie's Angels and Cinderella cross. Witty and quick on her feet, she uses her infinitely long hair as a weapon, tool you name it. She has this little pet chameleon sidekick (more like a dumb but equally funny version of Donkey in Shrek) that sweetens the various encounters she has.
He also happens to be a prince, but rather a prince of thieves. Happy go lucky and a dare devil, Flynn is quick on his feet and as is usual in most animations, has an outlaw badge to boot.
The Tangled movie story then proceeds to blend in the usual villains and long lost royal heritage to create an exciting and absorbing modern fairytale story.
Taking its viewers on the enchanting classic story in 3D, the movie promises to keep up, if not top, the Disney animation legacy and this especially so because it marks Disney's 50th animation to date.
Watch Movie Online Free: Tangled
Download Free: Tangled
Truyện Sex
Tangled Movie 2010 Online Free - Entertainment - Music
Walt Disney Pictures presents "Tangled," one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wantedand most charmingbandit Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. In theaters this holiday season in Disney Digital 3D, "Tangled" is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hairlots of hair.
Based on the fairy tale story of Jacob Grimm, the Tangled movie story follows the adventures of the two main characters, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. The original story follows a more conservative story line of a childless couple that had to relinquish their child to an enchantress on account of some wrong incurred.
The enchantress then takes this child on her twelfth birthday and locks her in a high tower with neither door nor stairwell. But hold on, this lovely (and somewhat pithy) story does not seem consistent with Disney's new Tangled movie story!
The character of Rapunzel in this Disney remake of that timeless classic is more of a Charlie's Angels and Cinderella cross. Witty and quick on her feet, she uses her infinitely long hair as a weapon, tool you name it. She has this little pet chameleon sidekick (more like a dumb but equally funny version of Donkey in Shrek) that sweetens the various encounters she has.
He also happens to be a prince, but rather a prince of thieves. Happy go lucky and a dare devil, Flynn is quick on his feet and as is usual in most animations, has an outlaw badge to boot.
The Tangled movie story then proceeds to blend in the usual villains and long lost royal heritage to create an exciting and absorbing modern fairytale story.
Taking its viewers on the enchanting classic story in 3D, the movie promises to keep up, if not top, the Disney animation legacy and this especially so because it marks Disney's 50th animation to date.
Watch Movie Online Free: Tangled
Download Free: Tangled
Truyện Sex
Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 10, 2012
Tangled Movie Online Free Download Torront - Entertainment - Movies
Walt Disney Pictures presents "Tangled," one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wantedand most charmingbandit Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. In theaters this holiday season in Disney Digital 3D, "Tangled" is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hairlots of hair.
Based on the fairy tale story of Jacob Grimm, the Tangled movie story follows the adventures of the two main characters, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. The original story follows a more conservative story line of a childless couple that had to relinquish their child to an enchantress on account of some wrong incurred.
The enchantress then takes this child on her twelfth birthday and locks her in a high tower with neither door nor stairwell. But hold on, this lovely (and somewhat pithy) story does not seem consistent with Disney's new Tangled movie story!
The character of Rapunzel in this Disney remake of that timeless classic is more of a Charlie's Angels and Cinderella cross. Witty and quick on her feet, she uses her infinitely long hair as a weapon, tool you name it. She has this little pet chameleon sidekick (more like a dumb but equally funny version of Donkey in Shrek) that sweetens the various encounters she has.
He also happens to be a prince, but rather a prince of thieves. Happy go lucky and a dare devil, Flynn is quick on his feet and as is usual in most animations, has an outlaw badge to boot.
The Tangled movie story then proceeds to blend in the usual villains and long lost royal heritage to create an exciting and absorbing modern fairytale story.
Taking its viewers on the enchanting classic story in 3D, the movie promises to keep up, if not top, the Disney animation legacy and this especially so because it marks Disney's 50th animation to date.
Watch Movie Online Free: Tangled
Download Free: Tangled
Truyện Sex
Tangled Movie (2010) Online Free Megavideo - Entertainment - Celebrities
Walt Disney Pictures presents "Tangled," one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wantedand most charmingbandit Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. In theaters this holiday season in Disney Digital 3D, "Tangled" is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hairlots of hair.
Based on the fairy tale story of Jacob Grimm, the Tangled movie story follows the adventures of the two main characters, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. The original story follows a more conservative story line of a childless couple that had to relinquish their child to an enchantress on account of some wrong incurred.
The enchantress then takes this child on her twelfth birthday and locks her in a high tower with neither door nor stairwell. But hold on, this lovely (and somewhat pithy) story does not seem consistent with Disney's new Tangled movie story!
The character of Rapunzel in this Disney remake of that timeless classic is more of a Charlie's Angels and Cinderella cross. Witty and quick on her feet, she uses her infinitely long hair as a weapon, tool you name it. She has this little pet chameleon sidekick (more like a dumb but equally funny version of Donkey in Shrek) that sweetens the various encounters she has.
He also happens to be a prince, but rather a prince of thieves. Happy go lucky and a dare devil, Flynn is quick on his feet and as is usual in most animations, has an outlaw badge to boot.
The Tangled movie story then proceeds to blend in the usual villains and long lost royal heritage to create an exciting and absorbing modern fairytale story.
Taking its viewers on the enchanting classic story in 3D, the movie promises to keep up, if not top, the Disney animation legacy and this especially so because it marks Disney's 50th animation to date.
Watch Movie Online Free: Tangled
Download Free: Tangled
Truyện Sex
Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 10, 2012
Download And Watch Tangled Movie 2010 Free Online - Entertainment - Movies
Walt Disney Pictures presents "Tangled," one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wantedand most charmingbandit Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. In theaters this holiday season in Disney Digital 3D, "Tangled" is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hairlots of hair.
Based on the fairy tale story of Jacob Grimm, the Tangled movie story follows the adventures of the two main characters, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. The original story follows a more conservative story line of a childless couple that had to relinquish their child to an enchantress on account of some wrong incurred.
The enchantress then takes this child on her twelfth birthday and locks her in a high tower with neither door nor stairwell. But hold on, this lovely (and somewhat pithy) story does not seem consistent with Disney's new Tangled movie story!
The character of Rapunzel in this Disney remake of that timeless classic is more of a Charlie's Angels and Cinderella cross. Witty and quick on her feet, she uses her infinitely long hair as a weapon, tool you name it. She has this little pet chameleon sidekick (more like a dumb but equally funny version of Donkey in Shrek) that sweetens the various encounters she has.
He also happens to be a prince, but rather a prince of thieves. Happy go lucky and a dare devil, Flynn is quick on his feet and as is usual in most animations, has an outlaw badge to boot.
The Tangled movie story then proceeds to blend in the usual villains and long lost royal heritage to create an exciting and absorbing modern fairytale story.
Taking its viewers on the enchanting classic story in 3D, the movie promises to keep up, if not top, the Disney animation legacy and this especially so because it marks Disney's 50th animation to date.
Watch Movie Online Free: Tangled
Download Free: Tangled
Truyện Sex
Tangled Movie 2010 Free Online Full HD - Entertainment - Movies
Walt Disney Pictures presents "Tangled," one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wantedand most charmingbandit Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. In theaters this holiday season in Disney Digital 3D, "Tangled" is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hairlots of hair.
Based on the fairy tale story of Jacob Grimm, the Tangled movie story follows the adventures of the two main characters, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. The original story follows a more conservative story line of a childless couple that had to relinquish their child to an enchantress on account of some wrong incurred.
The enchantress then takes this child on her twelfth birthday and locks her in a high tower with neither door nor stairwell. But hold on, this lovely (and somewhat pithy) story does not seem consistent with Disney's new Tangled movie story!
The character of Rapunzel in this Disney remake of that timeless classic is more of a Charlie's Angels and Cinderella cross. Witty and quick on her feet, she uses her infinitely long hair as a weapon, tool you name it. She has this little pet chameleon sidekick (more like a dumb but equally funny version of Donkey in Shrek) that sweetens the various encounters she has.
He also happens to be a prince, but rather a prince of thieves. Happy go lucky and a dare devil, Flynn is quick on his feet and as is usual in most animations, has an outlaw badge to boot.
The Tangled movie story then proceeds to blend in the usual villains and long lost royal heritage to create an exciting and absorbing modern fairytale story.
Taking its viewers on the enchanting classic story in 3D, the movie promises to keep up, if not top, the Disney animation legacy and this especially so because it marks Disney's 50th animation to date.
Watch Movie Online Free: Tangled
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Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 10, 2012
Watch Tangled Movie 2010 Full HD Online - Entertainment - Music
Walt Disney Pictures presents "Tangled," one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wantedand most charmingbandit Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. In theaters this holiday season in Disney Digital 3D, "Tangled" is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hairlots of hair.
Based on the fairy tale story of Jacob Grimm, the Tangled movie story follows the adventures of the two main characters, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. The original story follows a more conservative story line of a childless couple that had to relinquish their child to an enchantress on account of some wrong incurred.
The enchantress then takes this child on her twelfth birthday and locks her in a high tower with neither door nor stairwell. But hold on, this lovely (and somewhat pithy) story does not seem consistent with Disney's new Tangled movie story!
The character of Rapunzel in this Disney remake of that timeless classic is more of a Charlie's Angels and Cinderella cross. Witty and quick on her feet, she uses her infinitely long hair as a weapon, tool you name it. She has this little pet chameleon sidekick (more like a dumb but equally funny version of Donkey in Shrek) that sweetens the various encounters she has.
He also happens to be a prince, but rather a prince of thieves. Happy go lucky and a dare devil, Flynn is quick on his feet and as is usual in most animations, has an outlaw badge to boot.
The Tangled movie story then proceeds to blend in the usual villains and long lost royal heritage to create an exciting and absorbing modern fairytale story.
Taking its viewers on the enchanting classic story in 3D, the movie promises to keep up, if not top, the Disney animation legacy and this especially so because it marks Disney's 50th animation to date.
Watch Movie Online Free: Tangled
Download Free: Tangled
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Story Of Tangled Movie 2010 Online - Entertainment - Movies
Walt Disney Pictures presents "Tangled," one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wantedand most charmingbandit Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. In theaters this holiday season in Disney Digital 3D, "Tangled" is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hairlots of hair.
Based on the fairy tale story of Jacob Grimm, the Tangled movie story follows the adventures of the two main characters, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. The original story follows a more conservative story line of a childless couple that had to relinquish their child to an enchantress on account of some wrong incurred.
The enchantress then takes this child on her twelfth birthday and locks her in a high tower with neither door nor stairwell. But hold on, this lovely (and somewhat pithy) story does not seem consistent with Disney's new Tangled movie story!
The character of Rapunzel in this Disney remake of that timeless classic is more of a Charlie's Angels and Cinderella cross. Witty and quick on her feet, she uses her infinitely long hair as a weapon, tool you name it. She has this little pet chameleon sidekick (more like a dumb but equally funny version of Donkey in Shrek) that sweetens the various encounters she has.
He also happens to be a prince, but rather a prince of thieves. Happy go lucky and a dare devil, Flynn is quick on his feet and as is usual in most animations, has an outlaw badge to boot.
The Tangled movie story then proceeds to blend in the usual villains and long lost royal heritage to create an exciting and absorbing modern fairytale story.
Taking its viewers on the enchanting classic story in 3D, the movie promises to keep up, if not top, the Disney animation legacy and this especially so because it marks Disney's 50th animation to date.
Watch Movie Online Free: Tangled
Download Free: Tangled
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