And there I was, staring certain death or maiming, right in the eyes, with no chance of escape or calling for help...
Let's back up a few hours.
I live in a semi-remote area, on top of a small mountain. Thick woods, beautiful landscape, and a gorgeous sunset view of the Wateree River Valley in central South Carolina. Peace and quiet - the perfect environment for a writer to relax, meditate and let the creative juices flow from pen to paper.
Life was as great as I thought it could possibly be for me, until this fateful autumn evening, when my perfect world would forever be changed...
Do you want to hear what happened? Of course you do - thats the point. And here you have...
Amazingly Effective Email Marketing Tip #1: Write a compelling story that has the reader mentally grasping for the next line, the next event, the next juicy morsel in your captivating true story of a tumultuous life changing experience. You have the reader in your grasp, as they submissively wait for more...
And as an Email Marketing writer, thats exactly where you want them. You see, with just a few quick and simple lines of text, you have just accomplished what 9 out of 10 Email Marketing wanna-be's have not yet figured out - How to transform the typical email reader into an Email Marketing Customer, ready to dive into the deep end with you, and plunk down the plastic for whatever you're selling without a second thought.
How could this possibly make anybody buy something, you ask? Because with this personal story, you have opened the door of your life to the reader, let your guard down, shared one of your most vulnerable life events with them. Became a real person. Just like them. Surely you're not just another pushy email marketing salesman who only cares about what you can get out of their wallet. You're for real, a regular guy or gal. Just like them. And you have blessed them by sharing your compelling, emotion-filled story. They probably have had or know someone personally who has had a similar experience happen to them. They can relate to you and your story. There is a bond.
And that personal bond leads to the reason you sent the email in the first place. Another bond. The bond between the Email Marketing salesman and the customer. You have effectively broken down the walls of skepticism and mistrust, and connected with your new client. Now, does that guarantee you a sale? Of course not. Which brings us to:
Amazingly Effective Email Marketing Tip #2: Keep them in suspense. Don't tell the whole story in one email. Let the story evolve over at least two, even better, three emails. The reader will not just open and read your second or third email, they'll be waiting for it, eagerly checking their inbox for the next chapter of the story. Why? Because they are still captivated by the suspense, the excitement, the unrelenting appetite of needing to know what happens next. And of course with each email, you as the Email Marketing super storyteller get another chance to offer your product that you can, even if remotely, tie into your story somehow. After all, this is an Email Marketing Strategy right?
Do you want to know more about effective Email Marketing Techniques, and how to set up a successful Email Marketing Business the right way, the first time? Hit the link below, and you'll receive a free video, explaining a complete Email Marketing System, with dozens of tips and tricks you can use to set yourself up with a quick, profitable, automatic, Email Marketing based money machine.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of this article, find out what happened to me on that dark mountaintop, and get more Amazingly Effective Email Marketing Tips!
Go here now for that free video:
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