Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 9, 2012

Loved? Loved. - Spirituality - Religion

Love is the greatest power in the universe, and it can also be the most powerful tool, when withheld from someone. Nothing can do more harm and cause more devastation then the power of love.

Loved? Loved. Is my 2 word story. For those of you who dont know what I mean by a 2 word story, I will explain.On April 16, 2011, the EACH program was set into gear, with the Prayer Walk that was held in downtown Detroit Michigan. 25,000 people from about 500 churches, of all denominations, met in solidarity to pray for the city and pledge one million hours of community service to help those in need and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

EACH stands for Everyone a Chance to Hear. Hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, and part of this program is to come up with your story in just two words. You wear your two words on a t-shirt, button, or a hat, and pray as God will open the doors for people to ask you what those two words means on your shirt, and then you have the invitation to tell them your story of how you met Jesus Christ.

This is my story.

Loved? I was not, as a boy growing up. I was small and not very big, very shy and not assertive at all. I grew up in a home of verbal abuse. I was always told that I couldnt do anything and that I would just grow up to be a garbage man. If I ever did want to try something, I was told I couldnt do it because I was too small, or I would break it, or some other reason that my parents had in their arsenal of negative statements.

Words can kill, and I never was involved in any physical abuse, so I dont know what thats all about, but I do know that words can hurt and the scares can linger for a life time.

My view of God was some big guy in the heavens just waiting for me to slip up, and he couldnt wait to bring the hammer down on top of my head. He loved punishment and judgment, and since I couldnt do anything right, He was having a fun time with me.

Well, needless to say, these things all turned me into other avenues to find validation and love, and they were all the wrong ones. Drugs, alcohol, and women got me in a whole lot of trouble, and there were times, when I look back today, that I should have been dead. I used everyone and I hurt a lot of people.

When I was ten years old, I gave my life over to Jesus Christ, while watching a Billy Graham crusade on TV. My mother would always watch him and so we did as well. Something that he said just resonated with me and I got down on my knees before I went to bed, and asked God to come into my life and change me. I meant it with all my heart.

They sent me a copy of the gospel of John and I remember going through it but I dont think I read it all the way. I never told anyone what I did, and because we were catholic, I never had anyone to talk to about it.

Years later after I was married and my wife was expecting our first son, something happened.

I was working the night shift at one of the big three, and one of my party buddies, was going to day shift. He was my best friend and after being on the day shift for one year, he got bumped back to nights. Well I couldnt wait for me and him to get back to our party ways.

While he was gone, we used to go all the way up the stairs, to the top of the roof of the building, (a staircase that was only used by the skilled trade guys), to get high. But someone, we didnt know who, had put a picture of Jesus up there, and we used to use that picture as our code word. When we wanted to get high, we would go up to a guy and say, Do you want to go and see the Lord at lunch time? He would know exactly what we meant.

Well when I say my friend after a year, I took him up to see the Lord. I figured we would start our reunion in the right way. Well, he had other plans.

He told me that he had become a follower of Jesus Christ and that he had put the picture of Jesus up because thats where him and his other Christians friends, from day shift, would go and have their bible study every day.

He told me all about Jesus dying on a cross to save me from my sins and that He really loved me, and would come into my life and change me.

I got down on my knees again and asked God to come into my life. My friend gave me a bible and I still have that bible sitting in my office.

I think God used my friend to complete what He used Billy Graham to start years before.

I learned that God wasnt waiting for me to mess up so He could punish me. He punished His son so that I could live. He loved me that much to pay that kind of price, just so I could be free. Nobody has ever loved me like that, and nobody ever can. Only God can do that.

Loved? was the word that I carried around my neck for some twenty years of my life. Now I have replaced it with a new word. Loved. He really does love me and loves me like no one else ever can.

Circumstances can change, people can change, and events can change, but His love for me and you will never change.

At His last meal with twelve of His closet friends, right before He went to the cross, He said this to them;

No one has greater love than this that one lays down his life for his friends. You are my friends John 15: 13-14Whats your 2 word story? Do you have a 2 word story?

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