Big TV Show Idea: My brother Ruben Thu, November 13, 2008 4:26:48 PM
From: Sophialaurenea Destine
To: Talk Show Host
Ms. Banks meet my brother Ruben. I can't tell you his last name. I have to protect my parents. Ruben started his life in the streets. Him and Ivan bump heads always. He was sixteen going on sixty. Ruben is wise beyond his age. Never interested in illegal drugs and crime; however, danger was his middle name. He LOVES bikes and cars. Ruben gave a new meaning to racing. He could put an old car together and make it better.He had great hatred for school and worst people who attempt to tell what to do. Ivan was the only one who could control Ruben. I think Ruben biological dad really mess him up. I think he dislike my dad for having it together.
Long story short: One night my uncle who was employed at NYPD slept over. He put his gun in a dresser draw. 3: 05 am my father and brother were fighting. My father whip him for staying out all night. The fact Ruben curse him out didn't help much. Ruben got the gun. Everyone held their breath. He pulled the trigger, Ms. Banks. My father lost it again!!!! You see THANK GOD the gun wasn't loaded. Jockleen saved the day. She got between my dad and brother.Later, my brother decided to be a police officer just to get on Ivan nerves.
It turn out that was the best thing he ever did. Ruben is a Scorpio. He loves me to death. It was weird how close he was to our mom. Every time Jockleen would ask him to get the kids ( us, his brothers and sisters)and tell them it istime to eat dinner. He would say " My mother said it time to eat." If someone was talking to my mom, and Ruben didn't know them: He would say "Who is speaking to my mother. Who is in the house with my mother."One time in Brooklyn, we were playing stick ball. It was a beautiful day. The sun was bright. I was on first base ready to come to home plate.
That's all I remember that day. My friends told me all that happen. You see they told me: That blood started to gush out my nose then I pass out. Ruben picked me up and started running. They said he ran me all the way to the hospital. Not bad for NYPD officer, they said he ran like he had fire on his heels. I remember they put me in a cool bed/room. The doctor tie a rubber tube in my nose. The nurse told Ruben to leave. He didn't leave me. I believe that why Ruben's wife can't stand me. You see Ruben can't stand hospitals. He was never present when his children were born.
But, he was there with me in the hospital holding my hands. It's so weird. My brothers were always rough with me. At hockey games, I was their puck. Theythrew me around on the ice. IT WAS SO COOL!! And my rush of being thrown with all that speed was OUT OF THIS WORLD! At the table to my mother great horror, my brothers and I had burping contests.When I went to the boxing ring with them; they taught how to fight like a guy not a girl. I look up to my brothers like they were un-defeated giants. But being sick, was a whole other story. They treated me like glass which I hate!!! I wanted to be though/strong just like them.
It broke Ruben heart when he snooped around and read my diary. Don't think I am stupid but; I use to count every abortion Jennifer, Georgette, Sabrina and Evelyn had. Stupid huh! I did, in my mind they were little cupids in heaven. I would say "I am sorry little one, your mommy loves you, she was just too young. Do not worry little one I will talk and play with you all day long." I think it was then Ruben made it his business to keep me busy; so I didn't spend much time around my sisters and cousins. He mainly said on numerous occasions Jennifer/Georgette were bad influences on me.
I think my brother Ruben busted several veins when I fell for Jeovanni. (That isa whole other story!!!). Ruben had deep hatred for Det. Jerry Giorgio at the 34pct. He didn't like how the 34pct was treating me. Matthew kept Ruben in line. I forgot to tell you after Ruben was 1st grade detective: He heard Ivan speaking to Mr. Windell (a Jewish guy, a lawyer). I don't know but Ruben decide to expand his career under Mr. Windell.Then Mr. Windell die in his sleep. Ruben and Ivan started talking. One of Ivan happiest days was seeing Ruben become a District Attorney. They were not best buddies; they were civil with one another. It turns out that Ivan gave Mr. Windell funds so Ruben could go to the academy (NYPD).
Life is so funny. He thought or assume he was getting on my father nerves. My father was supporting him all the way. Anyway, Ruben dislike detective Jerry Giorgio because I was volunteering my spiritual gifts with Jerry and not Ruben police buddies. I think Det. Giorgio started to found out about my reverse aging. Back when I was 31 years old (Chronological age); I was talking to Det. Giorgio on the phone. I remember telling him " I am 31 years of age" his reply " You're still a baby". From that conversation on the phone; Ruben panic.He assumed the detective knew about my biological age.
You guest it. Ruben had my phone tap. At different times, he paid PI to follow me after I left New York. He a little CO0-CO (CRAZY!!!). That is Ruben, I love him. Right now, I am not speaking to him because he came between Tino and me. He told Tino that my biological clock is reversing, I never hadXXX and I am dying. I felt it was my place to tell Tino not him. I have not spoke to Ruben since June 2008. We set off each other buttons. Back in Santa Barbara, I was working at Territory Ahead. There is a rule no cell phones on the floor.
Ruben must have called me a hundred times. When I finally answered; he let me have it. He didn't believe me about Territory Ahead rule of no cell phone on the floor. So I got angry. I mean real angry. Here it isI am in my late thirties chronological age: And I have to deal with his integration. I gave it back in full spades. I said " Okay, Ruben I was at an orgy having wild-wet-passionate sex then I smoke some slurm (I meant to say Sherm)." then I said "That's not all at three O'clock I will walk down State Street and say $5.00, $5.00 for my punanee (a Jamaican term for vagina)".
I heard a crash like a vase breaking.Later, I found out that Ruben punched a window. He got 18 stitches. I felt real bad. Just because my body is reversing doesn't mean all those years I lived didn't count. I get so mad when Ruben treats me like a baby. So, this time I choose to keep my distance. Because I can be a pill when my button are pushed. I know he is doing it out of love. He wants to protect me. I JUST WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE AND BE INDEPENDENT!!!!!! REGARDLESS OF MY BIOLOGICAL AGE!!!!!!!! Man! that felt so good to say, ha. ha.There's another guy who Ivan paid to go tothe New York Police Academy. He hates me. So, I can no longer call him my brother. Yes! It's true detectiveAnthony Sammuel Grahmanhates my ass. He does not believe I am dying, my biological clock is reversing and spiritual gifted.
He didn't even believe me when I call him and told him: That Ivan was dead. You see Anthony's mother HelenGraham was my father's third wife. He use to be one of my favorite but know: He is dead to me to. Let me just say if I got shot and detective Graham was the only one there to help me. I would choose to die then get his assistance. He didn't have the decency to go to Ivan's wake and funeral. Boy!Ivan helped him and he couldn't even go to his wake and funeral.He isjust mad because his fellow officer Vernon is a crooked NYPD cop. I use to work for Vernon at Alexander Security Company.
He never gave me my last pay check. I took him to Small Court. I won because Vernon 's people never showed up. I thinkDet. Grahamis mostly mad because I cured AngelGraham of Ovarian Cancer. (I mean God healed Angel through me by using my spiritual gifts.). Remember, I told you Ms.Banksif I see something illegal: I am going to tell.Det. Grahamforgot he taught me to be honest just like Ivan, Ruben and Matthew. I AM GOING TO TELL THE TRUTH AND I DON'T CARE WHO DON'T LIKE IT!!!!! Boy! that feel so good to say.
Angel knows I cured her. She was always nice to me.Anyway my hands are itching me like crazy. I could sincerely use the money. Everyone is telling me to go to GA (General Assistance). I am hoping to get a job. I have too much pride.XXX is leaving the office soon: I guess I was wrong about him being assassinated. Praise the Lord! I didn't agree with some of his decisions and I definitely didn't like how he got his office yet a president is like a king to me. I respect him as a human being. I love XXX she has a lot of class. I am glad he is alive and well.I haven't been watching your talk show and ANTM. You know we play BINGO on Wednesday. It gives me a way to get lotion, Vaseline, baby powder, and shampoo (as prizes you know). Please, believe I am missing those shows like crazy!!!
Boy! I dream to get my own place. Tomorrow, I will introduce you to Matthew, he is my favorite brother. I am BROKE, UNEMPLOYED however, I AM HAPPY TO BE OUT OF LAS VEGAS.Tomorrow is Adam Walsh 's birthday. I have been meditating and praying. I want to give District Attorney my information the right way. Do you think I am greedy for praying that someone Caucasian-employed-successful finds out where Adam is and tell the authorities? Stupid huh! I am Pollyanna. I am hoping at least the Walsh's could know before Christmas (here I go again like all the other years). I mean if anyone deserve closure is the Walsh family. Jesus, I heard and saw on MSNBC about Caylee Anthony. It is almost like Lacy Peterson but this time it's a child. I want to have happy thoughts.Thank you Dr.Banks oh! I did the real age thing on Dr.Oz: It says my real age is 39.8 It made me very happy. Too bad, Dr.Oz can't see my pelvic x-ray and a scan of my brain/skull.THAT WOULD BE TOO EMBARRASSING!!!!!!!
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