Book report writing entails the reviewing of a book's content with the aim of summarizing it and presenting a concise piece of work that details the content of the work to readers in a brief and short way. Book reports are mainly used to evaluate whether an individual has read and understood the content of a certain book presented for review. The book reports may also serve as critiques used to assess the quality of any work completed by a certain author, however; this is rarely the case in the academic institutions where such reviews are basically a form of assessment. The book reports have a certain format of documentation that is widely adopted for most types of books. This documentation format may apply virtually to all book reports unless it is stipulated otherwise by the assigning authority.
Appropriate book reports must have a setting as the first section of the book reports sub-sections. Setting sections in book reports outline the locale within which the story of the book is developed or based. Thus, the most appropriate question to ask when writing the settings section would be: Where do these events take place? The settings of book reports may be imaginary or real. At times some authors do not explicitly tell where the events outline the book took place, but it is the reader who should try to conjure up a mental picture of the place by using the vivid or unclear descriptions offered about the place. More often than not the reader can be able to tell where precisely the events did take place. A clear statement of the settings within book reports helps the reader create a mental picture frame on to which she or he can mount the story of the book.
Inclusion of time period in book reports is also essential and it helps readers to picture the happenings against a background based on some time in the past. The books time period may be set in the past-perhaps in periods such as during the renaissance, during the revolution or any other. The time may also at times be set in the future.
Character analysis is also a very important section in most book reports. This contributes to the development of the content of the book because it is the characters that actually develop the story through their actions and decisions. Character analysis may go hand in hand with brief narration of the story and highlights on what roles the characters do take within the development process of the story. This portion of most book reports concentrates on the main character. At times the main characters may actually be more than one and in such cases it is good to highlight that they are the main characters.
The next section is the plot of the book. The plot highlights the chain of main events and how they unfold. This section in most book reports highlights how the main characters move from one event to another and how they influence the outcome of these events and thus shape the story. This is the most challenging part in most book reports because a great number of students are tempted to include every little detail of the book's events in the plot. This may end up giving a lengthy story which is not worth being termed as a boor report. Therefore, inclusion of only significant events that shape the main themes of story and encompass the main characters should be highlighted within the work.
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